As a Mentor
You are ready to have around 6 meetings of one or two hours each with a pupil who is interested in your profession. You share with your Mentee what’s important in this path of study and career. You can also give your Mentee advice and, if needed, contacts which may be interesting for him/her to continue his/her path. You support a young talent by directing his/her attention to the positive points, but also to the obstacles of your professional career.
Once we receive your registration (please click on the link below to register online), a member of our M-ProJ Team meets you individually to get to know you and to explain what the role of a Mentor to a pupil means. You will then be invited to the first „Mentor Master Class“, a 2-hour training session for Mentors. » Read more about

The M-ProJ Mentoring Program in detail…
